On Null Space Based Inverse Kinematics Techniques for Fleet Management: Towards Time-Varying Task Activation

Home / Publications / 2021 / On Null Space Based Inverse Kinematics Techniques for Fleet Management: Towards Time-Varying Task Activation

Anna Mannucci, Danilo Caporale, Lucia Pallottino
On Null Space Based Inverse Kinematics Techniques for Fleet Management: Towards Time-Varying Task Activation
IEEE Transactions on Robotics


Multirobot fleets play an important role in industrial logistics, surveillance, and exploration applications. A wide literature exists on the topic, both resorting to reactive (i.e. collision avoidance) and to deliberative (i.e. motion planning) techniques. In this work, null space-based inverse kinematics (NSB-IK) methods are applied to the problem of fleet management. Several NSB-IK approaches existing in the literature are reviewed, and compared with a reverse priority approach, which originated in manipulator control, and is here applied for the first time to the considered problem. All NSB-IK approaches are here described in a unified formalism, which allows (i) to encode the property of each controller into a set of seven main key features, (ii) to study possible new control laws with an opportune choice of these parameters. Furthermore, motivated by the envisioned application scenario, we tackle the problem of task-switching activation. Leveraging on the iCAT TPC technique Simetti and Casalino, 2016, in this article, we propose a method to obtain continuity in the control in face of activation or deactivation of tasks, and subtasks by defining suitable damped projection operators. The proposed approaches are evaluated formally, and via simulations. Performances with respect to standard methods are compared considering a specific case study for multivehicles management.

author={A. {Mannucci} and D. {Caporale} and L. {Pallottino}}, 
journal=IEEE Transactions on Robotics}, 
title=/On Null Space-Based Inverse Kinematics Techniques for Fleet Management: Toward Time-Varying Task Activation}, 