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ILIAD was an EU-funded research project on Intra-Logistics with Integrated Automatic Deployment for safe and scalable fleets in shared spaces, running 2017 to 2021.


Today, intralogistic services have to respond quickly to changing market needs, unforeseeable trends and shorter product life cycles. These drivers pose new demands on intralogistic systems to be highly flexible, rock-solid reliable, self-optimising,...


Autonomous deployment in infrastructure-free environments Autonomous deployment of fleets of robots responds to a key feature that is crucial for making autonomous transportation systems economical. This will be a step-changing feature, as it will...

Work Packages

Autonomous Deployment in Infrastructure-free Environments (lead: Örebro University) Long-term Operation (lead: University of Lincoln) Human-Aware AGV Fleets (lead: Bosch) Human Safety (lead: TU Munich) Fleet Management (lead: Örebro U...


Title: Intra-Logistics with Integrated Automatic Deployment: safe and scalable fleets in shared spaces Acronym:  ILIAD Type: Research and Innovation Action Call: H2020 ICT-26-2016b Max. Budget:  6,987,720 € Start: Jan 1, 2017 Duration: 48 ...