ILIAD was an EU-funded research project on Intra-Logistics with Integrated Automatic Deployment for safe and scalable fleets in shared spaces, running 2017 to 2021


Today, intralogistic services have to respond quickly to changing market needs, unforeseeable trends and shorter product life cycles. These drivers pose new demands on intralogistic systems to be highly flexible, rock-solid reliable, self-optimising, quickly deployable and safe yet efficient in environments shared with humans. ILIAD will enable the transition to automation of intralogistic services with key stakeholders from the food distribution sector, where these challenges are particularly pressing.

We will develop robotic solutions that can integrate with current warehouse facilities, extending the state of the art to achieve

  • self-deploying fleets of heterogeneous robots in multiple-actor systems;
  • life-long self-optimisation;
  • manipulation from a mobile platform;
  • efficient and safe operation in environments shared with humans; and
  • efficient fleet management with formal guarantees.

Scientifically, ILIAD pursues ambitious goals for complex cognitive systems in human environments beyond a specific use-case. We will overcome limitations in the state of the art in

  • tracking and analysing humans;
  • quantifying map quality and predicting future states depending on activity patterns inferred from long-term observations;
  • planning of socially normative movements using learned human models;
  • integration of task allocation, coordination and motion planning for heterogeneous robot fleets; and
  • systematically studying human safety in mixed environments, providing a foundation for future safety standards.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 732737.


ILIAD numbers

Production babies


Concluding ILIAD
July 14, 2021
As of June 2021, the ILIAD project is now over. It has been quite a journey, and we are very happy with the scientific contributions we have made to navigation, perception, planning, coordin...
Third milestone demonstration
October 31, 2019
On October 16, 2019, we reached our third milestone at the second live physical ILIAD project demonstration. The demo coincided with the second stakeholder meeting with invited industry repr
Second milestone demonstration
October 31, 2018
On September 27, we reached our second milestone and demonstrated the core abilities of the ILIAD system live to invited industry representatives at the National Centre for Food Manufacturin

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